Privacy Policy

Lucky Puzzles LLC is committed to providing a secure and respectful shopping environment for our customers. If you have concerns about security or privacy, you can reach us in any of the following ways:

Lucky Puzzles LLC.
2512 W Patterson Ave
Chicago, IL 60618

To protect your personal information, Lucky Puzzles LLC. uses SSL encryption which is the Internet-approved standard in security. Any personal information you disclose is sent over our secure server. All Lucky Puzzles LLC customer information is stored on an on-site server protected by a firewall and cannot be accessed via the Internet.

When you provide us with your personal information either by placing an order or by requesting a catalog your information is added to our customer file.

We may also email you periodically to update you about new releases, exclusives or special promotions or services available from our web site. You may stop receiving emails by responding to the opt-out message at the end of every message.

On occasion, we may send you an email including special promotions or products from Lucky Puzzles LLC. If you choose not to receive such communications you may remove yourself from our mailing list by emailing us at

Occasionally we may also collect non-personal information on our site using cookies to improve the user experience.

To stop receiving future emails from Lucky Puzzles LLC., you may also contact us at